Rachel T Walker
Professor Department of Psychology Office Location: AD 369 Email: rtwalker@uiwtx.eduDr. Rachel Walker completed her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Biology and her doctoral degree in Experimental Psychology from The University of Southern Mississippi. Dr. Walker spent 10 years working at Charleston Southern University in which she was a Full Professor and the Chair of the Department of Behavioral Sciences. For the past five years she has been teaching at University of the Incarnate Word. Dr. Walker spent seven years conducting research on bottlenose dolphins in the wild and under professional care. She also focused on the potential impact of anthropogenic noise on sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico in collaboration with The University of Southern Mississippi (USM), University of New Orleans (UNO), Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center (NRL-SCC), and the Naval Oceanographic office (NAVOCEANO). Most recently, Dr. Walker is studying behavioral patterns in a variety of mammals (e.g., beluga whales, bottlenose dolphins, elephants, giraffes) under professional care. She has also conducted research in the areas of social-cognitive psychology and technology as well as scholarship of teaching and learning. Her teaching and research experience, within Biology and Psychology, has provided her with the skills to effectively share the knowledge and impact of research her field of research.
- Ph.D. University of Southern Mississippi, 2005
- M.S. University of Southern Mississippi, 2001
- B.S. University of Southern Mississippi, 1999
- Full Professor, University of the Incarnate Word (August, 2018 - Present), San Antonio, Texas.
- Associate Professor, University of the Incarnate Word (August, 2015 - July, 2018), San Antonio, Texas.
- Full Professor, Charleston Southern University (August, 2014 - July, 2015), Charleston, SC, South Carolina.
- Chair of Behavioral Sciences, Charleston Southern University (August, 2011 - July, 2015), Charleston, SC, South Carolina.
- Associate Professor, Charleston Southern University (August, 2009 - August, 2014), Charleston, SC, South Carolina.
- Assistant Professor, Charleston Southern University (August, 2005 - August, 2009), Charleston, SC, South Carolina.
- Visiting Faculty, The University of Southern Mississippi (2004 - 2005), Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
- Instructor, The University of Southern Mississippi (2003 - 2004), Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
- Instructor: Biology Labs, The University of Southern Mississippi (1999 - 2004), Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
- Full Professor, University of the Incarnate Word (August, 2018 - Present), San Antonio, Texas.
- Associate Professor, University of the Incarnate Word (August, 2015 - July, 2018), San Antonio, Texas.
- Full Professor, Charleston Southern University (August, 2014 - July, 2015), Charleston, SC, South Carolina.
- Chair of Behavioral Sciences, Charleston Southern University (August, 2011 - July, 2015), Charleston, SC, South Carolina.
- Associate Professor, Charleston Southern University (August, 2009 - August, 2014), Charleston, SC, South Carolina.
- Assistant Professor, Charleston Southern University (August, 2005 - August, 2009), Charleston, SC, South Carolina.
- Visiting Faculty, The University of Southern Mississippi (2004 - 2005), Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
- Instructor, The University of Southern Mississippi (2003 - 2004), Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
- Instructor: Biology Labs, The University of Southern Mississippi (1999 - 2004), Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Walker, R. T., & Hill, H. M. (2020). Workshop Effectiveness on Content Knowledge of Behavioral Observation Techniques in an Applied Animal Behavior Context. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 33.
Hill, H. M., Jaakkola, K., Walker, R. T., & Dudzinski, K. M. (2018). Special Issue on Animal Welfare: Introduction. Aquatic Mammals.
Walker, R. T., Miller, L., & Kuczaj, S. A. (2017). Seasonal, diel, and age differences in activity budgets of a group of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) under professional care. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 30.
Eskelinen, H., Hill, H., Walker, R. T., & Trone, M. (2017). The legacy lives on, a year later: Dr. Stan A. Kuczaj A Special Issue – Part 2. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 30.
Ames, A. E., Zapetis, M. E., Witlicki, K. L., Wielandt, S. J., Cameron, D. M., Walker, R. T., & Kuczaj, S. A. (2017). Thunks: Evidence for graded harmonic structure in an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) sound. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 30.
Walker, R. T. (2016). Reflections: Students' tribute to Stan Kuczaj (1950 - 2016). Animal Behavior and Cognition, 3 (3), 120 - 130, doi: 10.12966/abc.01.08.2016.
Hill, H. M., Trone, M., Walker, R. T., & Eskelinen, H. C. (2016). A legacy of research inspired by Dr. Stan Kuczaj (1950 - 2016) A special issue - part 1. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 29.
Walker, R. T., & Hill, H. (2018). Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences: Behavioral Ecology Springer International Publishing.
Walker, R. T. (2017). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior-Nikolaas Tinbergen Springer International Publishing.
Walker, R. T. (2017). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior- Margaret Floyd Washburn Springer International Publishing.
Walker, R. T. (2020). My First Online Course: Student Survey. Invited presentation at UIW Center for Teaching & Learning, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T. (2020). Ready for the GRE? Invited presentation at Department of Psychology, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T., Alsareinye, Z., Martinez, M., & Burkett, A. (2019). The frequency and nature of social interactions and behaviors by a group of belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in human care. University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T., Gonzalez, K., Gatzke, J., Barlow, R., Trefzer, K., Martinez, M. (2019). Benefits of research collaboration between University of the Incarnate Word and San Antonio Zoo. University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T. & Hill, H. (2019). Observing to Learn – Learning to Observe: Workshop. University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T., Alsareinye, Z., Burkett, A., & Gonzalez, K. (2019). Activity Budget of the Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) at San Antonio Zoo. University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T. & Gonzalez, K. (2019). Benefits of research collaboration between University of the Incarnate Word and San Antonio Zoo. EcoExchangeEdu's 5th Annual Sustainability Showcase, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T. & Juarez, E. (2019). The relationship between cell phone use and personality in a sample of undergraduate students. University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T., Martinez, M., & Trefzer, K. (2019). Expressing Emotions with Emoji's: How is this related to personality? University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T., Suarez, M., Martinez, A., & Alsareinye, Z. (2018). Social and Individual Play Behavior in a Group of Bottlenose Dolphins. Eleventh Annual Research Week at the University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T., Hinojosa, M., & Martinez, M. (2018). Emotional Computer-Mediated Expressions: A Pilot Study. Eleventh Annual Research Week at the University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T., Martinez, A., Suarez, M., & Alsareinye, Z. (2018, April). Social and Individual Play Behavior in a Group of Bottlenose Dolphins. Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston, Texas.
Walker, R. T., Martinez, M., & Hinojosa, M. (2018, April). Verifying Perception of Pictures and Emojis: A Pilot Study. Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston, Texas.
Walker, R. T. & Hill, H. (2018). Observing to Learn, Learning to Observe. ABMA Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T. (2017, March). Do you jing? Effective use of communication technology to impact student learning. Southwest Teachers of Psychology conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T. & Hill, H. (2017, October). Organization and maintenance of an undergraduate research program with first-generation college students. Society of the Teaching of Psychology Annual Conference on Teaching, San Antonio, Texas.
Brady, S. & Walker, R. T. (2017, January). Feeling the burn: Personal injustice increases feeling of academic entitlement. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T. (2017, January). Developing a research study in a collaborative format for an undergraduate research methods course. Society of Teaching of Psychology, Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T. (2016, April). Do you Jing? The Tech Fair at University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T. (2016, February). Use and application of the course characteristics survey in a research methods class. Ninth Annual Research Week at the University of the Incarnate World, San Antonio, Texas.
Walker, R. T. (2016, January). Jing a jing jing. The Center for Teaching and Learning at University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas.
- Animal Behavior Society
- The Society for Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology (National)
- Society for the Teaching of Psychology (National)
- Comparative Cognition Society (International)
- Southwestern Psychological Association (Regional)
- Society for Personality and Social Psychology (National)
- Sigma Xi (International)
- Psi Chi (International)
- Being outdoors
- Listening, singing, playing and dancing to music
- Hanging out with my family
- 2020: Faculty Awards Research/Project Proposal, Office of Research Development, University of the Incarnate Word.
- 2017: Provost's Legacy Teaching Award, Office of the Provost.
- 2017: Presidential Teaching Award Nominee, Office of the President.
- 2017: Outstanding Service to Psychology Students Award, UIW Psi Chi Chapter.
- 2016: Faculty Workload Reassignment Award, Office of Research Development, University of the Incarnate Word.
- Copy Editor Director: International Journal of Comparative Psychology.
- Associate Editor: International Journal of Comparative Psychology.
- Reviewer for journal article submissions
- Library Advisory Committee: CHASS representative
- Academic Technology Advisory Committee CHASS representative
- Earth Month Committee Director
- Assessment Director: Quality Enhancement Program (QEP)
- Educational/Cultural Awareness Committee
- Animal Behavior (Activity Budgets and Enrichment)
- Learning, Cognition and Technology
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Biology and Behavior
- Critical Thinking and Writing
- Learning, Memory and Cognition
- Comparative Psychology (Animal Behavior & Cognition)
- Learning and Behavior
- Research Method I
- Sensation and Perception
- Cognitive Psychology
- Research Continuation