Stefanie S Boswell
Professor Department of Psychology Office Location: AD 376 Phone: (210) 832-2182 Email: ssboswel@uiwtx.eduDr. Stefanie S. Boswell, Professor of Psychology, joined the University of the Incarnate Word faculty in 2008. She enjoys working closely with students, helping them learn to think like researchers and apply psychological science to foster understanding of others. She has mentored students with a variety of research interests and is specifically interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning, self-efficacy, and student and faculty attitudes in higher education. She is active in both professional and university service.
Ph.D. in Psychology (Counseling) The University of Southern Mississippi
- Professor of Psychology, University of the Incarnate Word, August 2019-Present
- Associate Professor of Psychology, University of the Incarnate Word, August 2013-August 2019
- Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of the Incarnate Word, August 2008-August 2013
- Professor of Psychology, University of the Incarnate Word, August 2019-Present
- Associate Professor of Psychology, University of the Incarnate Word, August 2013-August 2019
- Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of the Incarnate Word, August 2008-August 2013
Publications (*student)
Boswell, S. S. (2020). Ratemyprofessors.com evaluations affect academically entitled intentions and expectations. The Social Science Journal. http://doi.org/10.1080/03623319.2020.1799179
Boswell, S. S., & Sohr-Preston, S. L. (2020). I checked the prof on Ratemyprofessors: Effect of anonymous, online student evaluations of professors on students’ self-efficacy and expectations. Social Psychology of Education, 23(4), 943-961. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-020-09566-y
Boswell, S. S. (2020). Effects of Ratemyprofessors.com and university student evaluations of teaching on students’ course decision-making and self-efficacy. Higher Learning Research Communications, 10(2), 1-20. http://doi.org/10.18870/hlrc.v10i2.1194
Sohr-Preston, S. L., Boswell, S. S., *McCaleb, K., & *Robertson, D. (2016). Professor gender, age, and “hotness” in influencing college students’ generation and interpretation of professor ratings. Higher Learning Research Communications, 6(3). http://doi.org/10.18870/hlrc.v6i3.328
Boswell, S. S. (2016). Ratemyprofessors is hogwash (but I care): Effects of Ratemyprofessors and university-administered teaching evaluations on professors. Computers in Human Behavior, 56, 155-162. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2015.11.045
Sohr-Preston, S., & Boswell, S. S. (2015). Predicting academic entitlement in undergraduates. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 27(2), 183-193. http://www.isetl.org/ijtlhe/pdf/IJTLHE1958.pdf
Boswell, S. S. (2015). Effects of aging and adult development education and service learning on attitude, anxiety, and occupational interest. The Journal of Effective Teaching, 15(1), 5-19. http://uncw.edu/jet/articles/vol15_1/boswell.pdf
Boswell, S. S. (2014). Change in undergraduates’ research self-efficacy: A pilot study. The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education, 4(4), 102-109. http://tojned.net/journals/tojned/articles/v04i04/v04i04-15.pdf
Boswell, S. S. (2013). Undergraduates’ perceived knowledge, self-efficacy, and interest in social science research. The Journal of Effective Teaching, 13(2), 48-57. http://uncw.edu/jet/articles/vol13_2/boswell.pdf
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2012). Predictors of relationship self-efficacy in undergraduates. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 17, 154-162. http://doi.org/10.24839/2164-8204.JN17.4.154
Boswell, S. S. (2012). Predicting trainee ageism using knowledge, anxiety, compassion, and contact with older adults. Educational Gerontology, 38(11), 733-741. http://doi.org/10.1080/03601277.2012.695997
Boswell, S. S. (2012). “I deserve success”: Academic entitlement attitudes and their relationships with course self-efficacy, social networking, and demographic variables. Social Psychology of Education, 15(3), 353-365. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-012-9184-4
Boswell, S. S. (2012). “Old people are cranky”: Helping professional trainees’ knowledge, attitudes, aging anxiety, and interest in working with older adults. Educational Gerontology, 38(7), 465-472. http://doi.org/10.1080/03601277.2011.559864
Aten, J., Moore, M., Denney, R., Bayne, T., Stagg, A., Owens, S., Daniels, S., Boswell, S. S., Schenck, J., Adams, J., & Jones, C. (2008). God images following Hurricane Katrina in south Mississippi: An exploratory study. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 36 (4), 249-257. http://doi.org/10.1177/009164710803600401
Presentations (*student)
Boswell, S. S. (2021, April 12-16). Online evaluations influence intentions to request policy exceptions and improve evaluations of professors who provide them [Poster presentation]. University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX, United States.
Boswell, S. S. (2021, April 12-16). Consumerist evaluations engender beliefs that professors are responsible for students' grades [Poster presentation]. University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX, United States.
Boswell, S. S., & *Martinez, A. (2021, April 12-16). Gender and students’ evaluations of top characteristics of ineffective professors [Poster presentation]. University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX, United States.
Boswell, S. S. (2021, April 9-11). Consumerism's relationship with student age and professor-rating website use [Poster presentation]. Southwest Teachers of Psychology annual meeting, San Antonio, TX, United States.
Boswell, S. S. (2021, April 9-11). Age and Ratemyprofessors.com use predict academic entitlement [Poster presentation]. Southwest Teachers of Psychology annual meeting, San Antonio, TX, United States.
Boswell, S. S. (2021, April 9-11). Plagiarism in research methods instruction: What do the syllabi say? [Poster presentation]. Southwest Teachers of Psychology annual meeting, San Antonio, TX, United States.
Boswell, S. S. (2021, April 9-11). Online evaluations and student gender influence expectation about course policy exceptions [Poster presentation]. Southwest Teachers of Psychology annual meeting, San Antonio, TX, United States.
Boswell, S. S., & * Galindo, S. K. (2021, April 9-11). Gender and students' evaluations of characteristics most frequently described for quality professors [Poster presentation]. Southwestern Psychological Association annual meeting, San Antonio, TX, United States.
*Martinez, A., & Boswell, S. S. (2021, March 26). Gender and students’ evaluations of top characteristics of ineffective professors [Presentation]. University of the Incarnate Word Psychology Colloquium, San Antonio, TX, United States.
Boswell, S. S., & Sohr-Preston, S. L. (2021, March 17-20). Ratemyprofessor and student gender effects on self-efficacy for course effort [Poster presentation]. Southeastern Psychological Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, United States.
Boswell, S. S. (2021, March 17-20). Ratemyprofessors.com positivity and student and professor gender affect entitled expectations [Poster presentation]. Southeastern Psychological Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, United States.
Boswell, S. S. (2021, March 17-20). Learner-oriented evaluations influence expectations about grades and professor treatment [Poster presentation]. Southeastern Psychological Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, United States.
Boswell, S. S., & Sohr-Preston, S. L. (2020, April 1-4). Ratemyprofessor and student gender effects on self-efficacy for course effort. In Proceedings of the 2020 Digital Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association (p. 213). Southeastern Psychological Association.
Boswell, S. S. (2020). Student gender and evaluation positivity influence expectations about exceptions from assignment policies. University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, Texas.
Boswell, S. S. (2020). Consumerist descriptions of professors influence students' expectations about exceptions from attendance policies. University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, Texas.
Partridge, T. T., & Boswell, S. S. (2019, May). Fear of missing out and other variables that predict academic entitlement [Poster presentation] Association for Psychological Science Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, United States.
Boswell, S. S. (2019, April). Ratemyprofessors is hogwash (but I care): Effects of Ratemyprofessors and university-administered teaching evaluations on professors and students. Paper presentation at the Texas A&M University San Antonio Psychology Speaker Series, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2019, April). Online evaluations and student gender influence expectations about course policy exceptions. Poster presentation at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2019, April). Academic entitlement's relationships with motivation, fear of missing out, and age. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Albuquerque, NM.
Boswell, S. S. (2019, April). Effects of Ratemyprofessor.com evaluation's positivity on students' confidence for coursework and learning. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Albuquerque, NM.
Boswell, S. S. (2019, April). Ratemyprofessors.com and social self-efficacy effects on undergraduates' expected student-professor relationship. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Albuquerque, NM.
*Lewis, K., & Boswell, S. S. (2018, April). A new mobile phone-nomenon: Nomophobia systematic literature review. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & *Diaz, B. D. (2018, April). A degree without me? Fear of missing out, academic entitlement, and motivation. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & *Diaz, B. D. (2018, April). Academic entitlement’s relationships with normative, affective, and continuance college commitment. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & *Gonzaba, C. J. (2018, April). Course self-efficacy and evaluation’s effects on undergraduates’ course-related intentions. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & *Gonzaba, C. J. (2018, April). Psychiatric disability services information in STP’s Project Syllabus syllabi. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwest Teachers of Psychology, Houston, TX.
Boswell, S. S., *Gonzaba, C. J., *Medina, C. (2018, April). Academic support services: What do the syllabi say? Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwest Teachers of Psychology, Houston, TX
*Diaz, B. D., & Boswell, S. S. (2018, March). Fear of missing out’s relationships with academic entitlement and academic motivation. Presentation at UIW SWPA Preview Day, San Antonio, TX.
*Lewis, K., & Boswell, S. S. (2018, March). A new mobile phone-nomenon: Nomophobia systematic literature review. Presentation at UIW SWPA Preview Day, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & Melonson, C. (2018, March). Talking about grades. Workshop at the University of the Incarnate Word Center for Teaching and Learning, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & Melonson, C. (2018, February). Talking about grades. Workshop at the University of the Incarnate Word Center for Teaching and Learning, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & *Diaz, B. D. (2018, February). Fear of missing out’s relationships with academic entitlement and academic motivation. Poster presentation at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
*Lewis, K., & Boswell, S. S. (2018, February). A new mobile phone-nomenon: Nomophobia systematic literature review. Poster presentation at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., *Gonzaba, C. J., & *King, A. M. (2017, April). Analysis of disability accommodations statements in STP’s Project Syllabus syllabi. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwest Teachers of Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2017, April). Consumerism’s relationships with college self-efficacy and college commitment. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
*Almeida, F., & Boswell, S. S. (2017, March). Development and validation of an academic self-efficacy measure for undergraduates. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
*Almeida, F., & Boswell, S. S. (2017, March). Further validation of a new measure of academic self-efficacy. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
*Gonzaba, C. J., & Boswell, S. S. (2017, March). A pilot study for the development of a measure of undergraduate research self-efficacy. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
*Almeida, F., & Boswell, S. S. (2017, February). Undergraduates’ confidence for academics. Poster presentation at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
*Almeida, F., & Boswell, S. S. (2017, February). Further validation of a new measure of academic self-efficacy. Poster presentation at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2017, February). Consumerism’s relationships with college self-efficacy and college commitment. Poster presentation at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
*Gonzaba, C. J., & Boswell, S. S. (2017, February). A pilot study for the development of a measure of undergraduate research self-efficacy. Poster presentation at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & Sohr-Preston, S. L. (2017, January). Academic entitlement’s relationships with college commitment and self-efficacy and gender. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2017, January). Use of a career project to inform undergraduates’ professional development. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Teaching of Psychology preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., Lockhart, L. K., Partridge, T. T., & *King, A. M. (2016, April). Three ways to incorporate research experience into undergraduate training. Workshop at the annual meeting of the Southwest Teachers of Psychology, Dallas, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2016, April). Student evaluations’ effect on occupational constructs, confidence, and affect in professors. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwest Teachers of Psychology, Dallas, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & Walker, R. T. (2016, April). Imagining a previous academic disappointment does not affect undergraduates’ academic entitlement. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas, TX.
*King, A. M., & Boswell, S. S. (2016, April). Instagram and romantic relationships. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas, TX.
Boswell, S. S., *King, A. M., & *De Luna, D. R. (2016, April). Formal and informal student evaluations’ effects on students’ effort and self-efficacy. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas, TX.
Boswell, S. S., *King, A. M., & *De Luna, D. R. (2016, April). Informal student evaluations: “Hotness,” rating volume, and students’ perceptions of professors. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas, TX.
*King, A. M., & Boswell, S. S. (2016, February). Instagram and romantic relationships. Poster session at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & *De Luna, D. R., & *King, A. M. (2016, February). Student evaluations’ effect on professors’ occupational commitment, intention to quit, confidence, and affect. Poster session at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Lockhart, L. K., Boswell, S. S., & *De Luna, D. R. (2016, February). Undergraduates’ attitudes toward and perceptions of research. Poster session at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & *De Luna, D. R. (2015, May). Adult development education’s effects on attitude, anxiety, and occupational interest. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Boswell, S. S., *De Luna, D. R., *King, A. M., & *Aguirre, A. (2015, May). Ratemyprofessors.com and university-administered student evaluations: Effect on professors’ self-efficacy. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Lockhart, L. K., Boswell, S. S., & *De Luna, D. R. (2015, May). Undergraduates’ attitudes toward and perceptions of research. Poster session at the inaugural Society for the Teaching of Psychology meeting at Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Boswell, S. S., Lockhart, L. K., & *De Luna, D. R. (2015, April). Effects of an active-learning, course-based instruction of research methodology. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
*Cooremans, V., Boswell, S. S., & Rodinsky, H. (2015, April). Physiological responses and devaluation of alternatives: Differences by relationship status. Poster session at the first annual City of San Antonio Destination College All-City Undergraduate Research Showcase.
*Cooremans, V., Boswell, S. S., & Rodinsky, H. (2015, April). Physiological responses and devaluation of alternatives: Differences by relationship status. Presentation at the University of the Incarnate Word Psychology Colloquium, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & Walker, R. T. (2015, March). Effect of anonymous student evaluations of teaching on student cognition. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Hilton Head, SC.
*Cooremans, V., Boswell, S. S., & Rodinsky, H. (2015, February). Physiological responses and devaluation of alternatives: Differences by relationship status. Poster session at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., *De Luna, D. R., *King, A. M., & *Aguirre, A. (2015, February). Effect of Ratemyprofessors.com and university-administered student evaluations of teaching on professors’ self-efficacy. Poster session at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., *King, A. M., & *De Luna, D. R. (2015, February). Ratemyprofessors.com versus university evaluations of teaching: Effect on students’ self-efficacy and intentions to invest effort into a course. Poster session at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., *King, A. M., & *De Luna, D. R. (2015, February). “Hotness,” rating volume, and students’ perceptions of professors. Poster session at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., Lockhart, L. K., & *De Luna, D. R. (2015, February). Effects of an active-learning, course-based instruction of social science research methodology. Poster session at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., Lockhart, L., & *De Luna, D. (2014, April). Correlates of research self-efficacy in undergraduate students. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwest Social Sciences Association, San Antonio, TX.
*Chong-Macias, M.., & Boswell, S. S. (2014, March). RateMyProfessors.com: Ratings of professors and student evaluations. Presentation at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Psychology Colloquium, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., Lockhart, L., & *De Luna, D. (2014, March). Correlates of research self-efficacy in undergraduate students. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwest Teachers of Psychology Association, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & *Cox, K. (2014, March). Change in undergraduates’ research self-efficacy: A pilot study. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwest Teachers of Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
*Chong-Macias, M., & Boswell, S. S. (2014, March). Relationships between course enrollment and Ratemyprofessors.com instructor ratings. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
*Chong-Macias, M., & Boswell, S. S. (2014, March). Ratemyprofessors.com student evaluations: Relationship between quality, easiness, and hotness ratings. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
*Chong-Macias, M., & Boswell, S. S. (2014, March). Differences in Ratemyprofessors.com ratings by professorial sex, rank, and discipline. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
*Vela, L. R., & Boswell, S. S. (2014, March). The effect of written descriptions on students’ perceptions of professors. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
Sohr-Preston, S., Boswell, S. S., Daigle, K., & Oro, V. (2014, March). Interaction between family functioning and locus of control in predicting academic entitlement in female college undergraduates. Poster session at the 19th Biannual meeting of the Society for Research in Human Development, Austin, TX.
Boswell, S. S., Lockhart, L., & *De Luna, D. (2014, February). Correlates of research self-efficacy in undergraduate students. Poster session at the 7th Annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & *Cox, K. (2014, February). Change in undergraduates’ research self-efficacy: A pilot study. Poster session at the 7th Annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
*Chong-Macias, M., & Boswell, S. S. (2014, February). Ratemyprofessors.com student evaluations: Relationship between quality, easiness, and hotness ratings. Poster session at the 7th Annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
*Chong-Macias, M., & Boswell, S. S. (2014, February). Differences in Ratemyprofessors.com ratings by professorial sex, rank, and discipline. Poster session at the 7th Annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
*Vela, L., & Boswell, S. S. (2014, February). The effect of written descriptions on students’ perceptions of professors. Poster session at the 7th Annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2014, February). Academic entitlement’s relationships with self-efficacy, perspective taking, and mindful awareness. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2013, October). Building motivation. Presentation for the University of the Incarnate Word Center for Teaching and Learning, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2013, May). Externalized responsibility, entitled expectations, and intrinsic motivation for university academics. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Boswell, S. S., & *Cabeldue, M. K. (2013, May). Effect of imagined intergenerational contact on attitudes toward older adults. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2013, May). The effect of contact with mentally ill individuals on perceptions of their ability to rehabilitate following crime. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Boswell, S. S. (2013, May). Academic entitlement, amotivation, and course self-efficacy in Latina undergraduates. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2013, March). Who deserves prison time? A study of effects on perception of crime and rehabilitation. Poster session at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2013, March). Who deserves prison time? A study of effects on perception of crime and rehabilitation. Presentation at the University of the Incarnate Word Psychology Colloquium, San Antonio, TX.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2013, March). Who deserves prison time? A study of effects on perception of crime and rehabilitation. Presentation at the University of the Incarnate Word Annual Honors Symposium, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & *Cabeldue, M. K. (2013, February). We met in my mind: Effect of imagined intergenerational contact on explicit attitudes toward older adults. Poster session at the 6th Annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2013, February). Who deserves prison time? A study of effects on perception of crime and rehabilitation. Poster session at the 6th Annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2013, February). The effect of contact with mentally ill individuals on perceptions of their ability to rehabilitate following crime. Poster session at the 6th Annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2012, November). Predictive factors of relationship self-efficacy in undergraduates. Poster session at the meeting of the National Collegiate Honors Council, Boston, MA.
Walker R., & Boswell, S. S. (2012, October). Two models for engaging students in independent research projects in a research methods course. Presentation at the American Psychological Association Society for the Teaching of Psychology conference for Best Practices in Teaching: Statistics and Research Methods, Atlanta, GA.
Boswell, S. S., & *Cabeldue, M. K. (2012, April). Social self-efficacy’s relationship with motives for Facebook use in undergraduates. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, OK.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2012, April). Predictive factors of relationship self-efficacy in undergraduates. Paper session at the Annual Great Plains Honors Conference, Overland Park, KS.
*Cabeldue, M. K. & Boswell, S. S. (2012, April). Predictive factors of relationship self-efficacy in undergraduates. Paper session at the University of the Incarnate Word First Annual Honors Symposium, San Antonio, TX.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2012, April). Relationship status differences in undergraduates’ relationship self-efficacy. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, OK.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2012, April). Sex and relationship status differences in jealousy. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, OK.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2012, April). Predictive factors of relationship self-efficacy in undergraduates. Paper session at the Texas Tech University Undergraduate Research Conference, Lubbock, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2012, February). Ageism’s relationships with anxiety, knowledge, and inter-generational contact. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Boswell, S. S. (2012, February). Ageism: My future self may not like me either. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2012, February). Predictive factors of relationship self-efficacy in undergraduates. Paper session at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Psychology Colloquium, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2012, February). My future self may not like older people either: Attitudes toward older adults and the future older adult self. Poster session at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2012, February). Predictive factors of relationship self-efficacy in undergraduates. Poster session at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2012, February). Sex and relationship status differences in jealousy. Poster session at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Week, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2012, February). Do knowledge, anxiety, compassion, and interest predict ageism in helping professional trainees? Poster session at the annual meeting and educational leadership conference of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Arlington, VA.
Boswell, S. S. (2012, February). Changes in undergraduates’ research self-efficacy, knowledge, and interest in research. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Boswell, S. S. (2012, February). Maybe old people aren’t so bad: Efficacy of gerontology training. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
*Cabeldue, M. K., & Boswell, S. S. (2012, February). Predictive factors of relationship self-efficacy in undergraduates. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Boswell, S. S., & *Cabeldue, M. K. (2012, February). Academic entitlement: Group differences and change over time. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Boswell, S. S., *Griffith, A., & *Cabeldue, M. K. (2012, February). Academic entitlement’s relationships with self-esteem, sex, psychological entitlement, and general self-efficacy. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Felix-Ortiz, M., & Boswell, S. S. (2011, November). Preparing for the psychology graduate school interview workshop. Presentation at University of the Incarnate Word Department of Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2011, April). Can psychoeducation change undergraduates’ beliefs about mental illness and professional counseling? Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & *Fischer, E. M. (2011, April). Does learning about psychology effect students’ empathy and mindfulness? Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2011, April). “Old people are cranky:” Effect of education about aging on ageist beliefs and knowledge. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2011, April). Effect of psychoeducation on pre-helping professionals’ attitudes about psychopathology and psychotherapy. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2011, March). Knowledge, anxiety, compassion, and contact with older adults: Predicting ageism. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Jacksonville, FL.
Boswell, S. S. & *Fischer, E. M. (2011, March). Academic entitlement: Relationships with demographic variables, course self-efficacy, and social networking. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Jacksonville, FL.
Boswell, S. S. (2011, March). Predicting intentions to seek counseling among pre-nursing and psychology undergraduates. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Jacksonville, FL.
Boswell, S. S. (2011, March). Predicting first-generation students’ college self-efficacy using motivation, age, and semester. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Jacksonville, FL.
Boswell, S. S. & *Fischer, E. M. (2011, February). Academic entitlement in first-generation and continuing-generation undergraduates. Presentation at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Psychology Colloquium, San Antonio, TX.
*Gauna, C. S., Felix-Ortiz, M., & Boswell, S. S. (2011, February). Relationship of spirituality and religiosity to health outcomes in older Latino adults. Paper session at the annual meeting of Religion in Society, Chicago, IL.
Boswell, S. S., & *Fischer, E. M. (2011, February). Academic entitlement in first-generation and continuing-generation undergraduates. Poster session at the annual University of the Incarnate Word Research Day, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & Lawley, J. S. (2010, April). Demystifying academic job searches: Becoming faculty your first time out. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas, TX.
Boswell, S. S., & Lawley, J. S. (2010, April). Three-stage memory: Using what you teach to improve how you teach. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2009, April). The impact of narrative review on health outcomes in the bereaved. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2010, March). Building motivation. Presentation for the University of the Incarnate Word Faculty Development Program, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2010, February). Working with the unique needs of first generation students. Invited presentation at the annual meeting of the Texas University Counseling Centers Association, San Marcos, TX.
Felix-Ortiz, M., & Boswell, S. S. (2010, February). Preparing for the psychology graduate school interview workshop. Presentation at University of the Incarnate Word Department of Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
Boswell, S. S, & Lawley, J. S. (2009, April). Navigating pre-doctoral internship applications and interviews. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
Lawley, J. S., & Boswell, S. S. (2009, April). Diversity and clinical work: A skill set for growth. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX. This presentation was approved as a CEU course for licensed psychologists.
Boswell, S. S., & Augustin, A. (2008, September). Body piercing vs. tattooing: What do we know about each? Poster session at the annual meeting of the Mississippi Psychological Association, Tunica, MS.
Boswell, S. S., & Augustin, A. (2008, September). Test anxiety: Expanding our interventions with college students. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Mississippi Psychological Association, Tunica, MS.
Boswell, S. S., & Speed, A. (2008, September). Balancing out anxiety: A review of the impact of yogic intervention on anxiety symptoms. Poster session at the annual meeting of the Mississippi Psychological Association, Tunica, MS.
Boswell, S. S. (2008, September). Employing cognitive behavioral and meditation techniques to address test anxiety. Presentation at the Texas State University Academic Support Symposium, San Marcos, TX.
Boswell, S. S. (2008, September). Procrastination and perfectionism: How cognitive behavioral techniques can help. Presentation at the Texas State University Academic Support Symposium, San Marcos, TX.
- American Psychological Association Society for the Teaching of Psychology
- Southwestern Psychological Association
- Southwest Teachers of Psychology
- Southeastern Psychological Association
- University of the Incarnate Word Moody Professor, 2019-2020
- University of the Incarnate Word Presidential Teaching Award, 2018
- University of the Incarnate Word Mission Continues: Truth Award, 2017
- University of the Incarnate Word Provost’s Legacy Award, 2011
At University of the Incarnate Word, I have served on several university committees and also sponsored student organizations. I also actively serve the scientific community through work as a peer reviewer for conferences and journals as well as a manuscript editor and associate editor.
Scholarship of teaching and learning; attitudes in higher education; self-efficacy.
Current courses include:
- PSYC 1301 Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 2372 Adult Development and Aging
- PSYC 3331 Abnormal Psychology
- PSYC 3384 Research Methods 1
- PSYC 4199 Research Continuation
- PSYC 4399 Research Continuation
I have previously taught other courses at UIW as well as other institutions.